Experiment / Vorführung
Vanishing Mediator - How authentic is creativity?

Thema: Digitalisierung
Schlagworte: Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik
Altersgruppe: 14 bis 18 Jahre und ab 18 Jahre

A robotic system blends two distinct ideas to create a visual narrative. It analyzes its surroundings and uses the data to generate prompts in real time through three AI engines. This process questions the authenticity of creativity and the innovation of novelty!

The concept of the Vanishing Mediator, introduced by Fredric Jameson in "The Political Unconscious," describes entities or processes that facilitate transitions between different stages or structures and then disappear. Jameson's idea, further explored by Slavoj Žižek in various fields, highlights how these mediators, essential for change in social or political contexts, recede once their task is accomplished, akin to revolutionary leaders in politics or the Lacanian "objet petit a" in psychoanalysis. Similarly, the "Shahnameh" by Ferdowsi, a seminal work of Persian literature from around 1000 AD, narrates the Persian Empire's history until the 7th century Islamic conquest, playing a key role in preserving Persian identity through tumultuous times. The existence of numerous "Shahnameh" manuscripts, each with unique variations and patron-driven modifications, underscores the text's importance in cultural and societal evolution, reflecting the nuanced relationship between art, patronage, and identity across centuries. The inquiry at the heart of "The Vanishing Mediator" revolves around what must disappear to sustain our desires? 



Anfahrtsbeschreibung: Zwei kostenlose Shuttlebusse fahren alle 30 Minuten zu diesem Standort (16) - Halt Hauptplatz bzw. Haltestelle Obere Donaulände. Den Fahrplan finden Sie auf der Seite 'Infomap und Busfahrplan'. Für die Anreise mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln nutzen Sie bitte die Straßenbahnlinien 1, 2, 3, 4 bis zur Haltestelle Hauptplatz.

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Kunstuniversität Linz
Labor Kreative Robotik
Kunstuniversität Linz
Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz


Erster Einlass: 17:00
Letzter Einlass: 22:45

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