EurAsian Friendship Albums / Freundschaftsbücher aus EurAsian

Thema: Gesellschaft und Kultur
Schlagworte: Geschichte, Literatur, Migration und Soziales
Altersgruppe: 10 bis 14 Jahre, 14 bis 18 Jahre und ab 18 Jahre
Zielgruppe: Barrierefrei und In English

This research focuses on historical entanglements on paper in the early modern EurAsia embodied in friendship albums (alba amicorum) collected by central Europeans living in Ottoman Constantinople. These albums are closely related to the friendship albums circulating in kindergartens and elementary schools nowadays. The visitors will be engaged by setting up a display with multi-lingual entries.

Marbled paper with sketch of a wolf, album amicorum of Hans Joachim PRACK von Asch (messenger)

Robyn Radway's research focuses on historical entanglements on paper in the early modern EurAsia embodied in friendship albums (alba amicorum) collected by central Europeans living in Ottoman Constantinople. These albums are closely related to the friendship albums circulating in kindergartens and elementary schools here in Vienna today. I plan to engage the communitie by setting up a display with multi-lingual entries (in German, Hungarian, Serbian, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Greek, Czech etc.) from the examples I study and putting them in conversation with the most popular books used today. Ther historic entries were collected on decorated papers (marbled, silhouette, dribbled, etc.) that were created by artisans from across Eurasia. Visitors would have the chance to interact with these materials by producing their own friendship album entries that they would write on printed decorated papers. They could then take these home and add them to their own friendship albums, start a new one, or paste it as a gift in the album of a friend. This presentation would tie research at CEU to other events that night organized by members of the EurAsia Cluster of Excellence.


Anfahrtsbeschreibung: Von der U1 Station Reumannplatz mit den Straßenbahnen 6 und 11 (Schrankenberggasse) direkt erreichbar. 5 Gehminuten von der D-Wagen Station Absberggasse.

Dieser Ausstellungsstandort ist barrierefrei zugänglich und verfügt über barrierefreie Toiletten.

eine barrierefreie Toilette befindet sich im Erdgeschoss

Diese Station wird auf Englisch und Deutsch angeboten.
Central European University (CEU)
Quellenstrasse, 51, 1100 Wien


Erster Einlass: 17:00
Letzter Einlass: 22:00


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