What is Cognitive Science? How to study the Human Mind?

Thema: Gesundheit und Naturwissenschaften
Schlagworte: Biologie und Psychologie
Altersgruppe: 14 bis 18 Jahre und ab 18 Jahre
Zielgruppe: In English

In this series of talks, researchers of the Department of Cognitive Science will provide insight into their approach of studying the mind illustrating the broad range and diversity of this field of research. Basic topics as well as current topics from social and infant cognition research, will be introduced and discussed.

Durchschnittliche Verweildauer: 60 Minuten

Cognitive Science is the interdisciplinary study of the mind spanning from the human capacity to cognize to animal cognition and artificial intelligence. Subdisciplines of cognitive science range from psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence to philosophy and biological anthropology. Despite its wide scope and therefore quite heterogenous field, the core interest is cognition: what it is, how it works, and how we can model it. Each discipline contributes with its perspective and disciplinary research methods to the project of cognitive science with the aim of synthesizing these perspectives.

The speakers will be Christophe Heintz (ACE lab - Adaptive Cognition and Economics), Ágnes Melinda Kovacs (CDC - Cognitive Development Center), and Oana Stanciu (iSearch lab - Information Search, Ecological and Active learning Research with Children).


Anfahrtsbeschreibung: Von der U1 Station Reumannplatz mit den Straßenbahnen 6 und 11 (Schrankenberggasse) direkt erreichbar. 5 Gehminuten von der D-Wagen Station Absberggasse.

Dieser Ausstellungsstandort ist barrierefrei zugänglich und verfügt über barrierefreie Toiletten.

eine barrierefreie Toilette befindet sich im Erdgeschoss

Central European University
Department for Cognitive Science
Central European University (CEU)
Quellenstrasse, 51, 1100 Wien


Erster Einlass: 19:30
Letzter Einlass: 22:00


19:30 Uhr


The talk takes place in the Tiered Room D-002.

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