Minority Rights – Towards Effective Enforcement Through Critical Mass Participation

Thema: Gesellschaft
Schlagworte: Recht und Soziales
Altersgruppe: 14 bis 18 Jahre und ab 18 Jahre
Zielgruppe: Barrierefrei und In English

Learn about the role mass participation can play in claiming minority rights, from language use to school desegregation. Can court litigation benefit from wider involvement of people subject to discriminative practices? The lecture presents the ways in which efforts to include more claimants in legal procedures can result in more effective minority rights enforcement and create, ultimately, more equal societies.

Durchschnittliche Verweildauer: 60 Minuten

The lecture explores current resistance to implementing minority rights and ways to overcome them. Through cases by Roma and Hungarian minorities illustrating current claim making in Central Europe, the lecture introduces participants to the emergence of claims, the role of organization and legal procedures and the main obstacles. It explores possible connections between political and legal mobilization and demonstrates how legal claim making should be understood in a broader context, potentially contributing to community organizing and legal empowerment. We explore this context by thinking about possible strategies by governments, often less than welcoming for the minority claims in question and sometimes showing autocratizing tendencies, as well as the strategies of pro-minority actors. The lecture will address in particular the potentials of representative and group litigation.


Anfahrtsbeschreibung: Von der U1 Station Reumannplatz mit den Straßenbahnen 6 und 11 (Schrankenberggasse) direkt erreichbar. 5 Gehminuten von der D-Wagen Station Absberggasse.

Dieser Ausstellungsstandort ist barrierefrei zugänglich und verfügt über barrierefreie Toiletten.

eine barrierefreie Toilette befindet sich im Erdgeschoss

Central European University
Department of International Relations
Central European University (CEU)
Quellenstrasse, 51, 1100 Wien


Erster Einlass: 17:00
Letzter Einlass: 22:00


18:30 Uhr


Learn about the role mass participation can play in claiming minority rights, from language use to school desegregation. Can court litigation benefit from wider involvement of people subject to discriminative practices? The lecture presents the ways in which efforts to include more claimants in legal procedures can result in more effective minority rights enforcement and create, ultimately, more equal societies.

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