Minority Rights – Towards Effective Enforcement Through Critical Mass Participation
Durchschnittliche Verweildauer: 60 Minuten
The lecture explores current resistance to implementing minority rights and ways to overcome them. Through cases by Roma and Hungarian minorities illustrating current claim making in Central Europe, the lecture introduces participants to the emergence of claims, the role of organization and legal procedures and the main obstacles. It explores possible connections between political and legal mobilization and demonstrates how legal claim making should be understood in a broader context, potentially contributing to community organizing and legal empowerment. We explore this context by thinking about possible strategies by governments, often less than welcoming for the minority claims in question and sometimes showing autocratizing tendencies, as well as the strategies of pro-minority actors. The lecture will address in particular the potentials of representative and group litigation.
Anfahrtsbeschreibung: Von der U1 Station Reumannplatz mit den Straßenbahnen 6 und 11 (Schrankenberggasse) direkt erreichbar. 5 Gehminuten von der D-Wagen Station Absberggasse.
Dieser Ausstellungsstandort ist barrierefrei zugänglich und verfügt über barrierefreie Toiletten.
eine barrierefreie Toilette befindet sich im Erdgeschoss
Learn about the role mass participation can play in claiming minority rights, from language use to school desegregation. Can court litigation benefit from wider involvement of people subject to discriminative practices? The lecture presents the ways in which efforts to include more claimants in legal procedures can result in more effective minority rights enforcement and create, ultimately, more equal societies.
27 weitere Stationen an diesem Standort
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FührungWant to see how we study social minds? Come to our lab and take a tour!Thema: Gesundheit NaturwissenschaftenLab tour showing some experimental setups and giving general info on what we are doing hereCentral European University17:00 - 22:00
MitmachstationHow Do Illusions Reveal the Brain's Optimal Functioning?Thema: GesundheitThis station is about exploring how optical and sensory illusions reveal the brain's optimal functioning.Central European University17:00 - 20:00
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Experiment / VorführungHow do children learn so much about the world and so efficiently?Thema: NaturwissenschaftenThe Research Group iSearch investigates theoretically and empirically how children actively search for information in their physical and social environments to obtain clues for testing and revising their hypotheses over time. We have developed several fun tablet games aimed at comprehensively assessing children's active learning performance from a developmental perspective-and we are happy to have you try them out!Central European University17:30 - 20:30
FührungHow to study the babies’ mind and their exceptional learning abilities? A guided hands-on tour of the KiKo Research CenterThema: Gesundheit NaturwissenschaftenBabies learn an impressive amount of things during the first years of life, but how to find out what they know about the world and how their learning unfolds? We invite you to visit the laboratories of the Kiko Research centre and to discover first-hand the modern research methods to study the infant mind, such as eye-tracking and neuroimaging. Kids and families are welcome to participate!Central European University17:00 - 22:00
Experiment / VorführungWhat is the Size-Stroop-Effect?Thema: GesundheitOur visitors can participate in a simple, playful task and see in real-time how they contribute to scientific discoveries. We would like to show them how their behavior is translated into data, how each participant’s contribution is unique, and how it paints a picture of general thinking patterns if analyzed together.Central European University17:00 - 22:00
Experiment / VorführungHow can babies control a computer with their eyes and how to use eye movements to study their cognitive skills?Thema: Gesundheit NaturwissenschaftenEye tracking allows to detect a person’s gaze and follow in real time what they are looking at. Eye tracking is a great tool to study what babies and young children understand about the world and how they interact with technology before they can speak, manipulate objects, or walk. Stop by to try out some eye-tracking studies and experience how it feels to control a computer with your eyes.Central European University17:00 - 22:00
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MitmachstationWhat happens when communities are not involved in research?Thema: Gesellschaft UmweltThe station will be organised as an interactive classroom. Through colourful images and experienced-based stories of conducting a nationwide community-based participatory rural assessment (PRA) in post-conflict Timor-Leste.Central European University17:00 - 22:00
AusstellungHow can integrating bio-based materials into construction projects contribute to enhancing both sustainability and energy efficiency in buildings, thus participating in climate change mitigation?Thema: Energie UmweltThe BIO4EEB exhibition showcases bio-based materials that offer a climate-friendly alternative to traditional building materials, highlighting their effectiveness in reducing CO2 emissions and optimizing energy usage throughout their lifecycle. It presents the innovative use of Posidonia oceanica for thermal insulation, demonstrating the project's commitment to developing sustainable construction solutions.Central European University (CEU)17:00 - 22:00
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FührungChanging Scenarios - Changing Confidence?Thema: Gesundheit NaturwissenschaftenIn this tour of the the Vision Lab we will showcase our research about how visual changes and confidence assessments shape decision-making.Central European University17:00 - 22:00
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MitmachstationEurAsian Friendship Albums / Freundschaftsbücher aus EurAsianThema: Gesellschaft KulturThis research focuses on historical entanglements on paper in the early modern EurAsia embodied in friendship albums (alba amicorum) collected by central Europeans living in Ottoman Constantinople. These albums are closely related to the friendship albums circulating in kindergartens and elementary schools nowadays. The visitors will be engaged by setting up a display with multi-lingual entries.Central European University (CEU)17:00 - 22:00
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AusstellungWhere Need is Greatest: Finding Poverty HotspotsThema: DigitalisierungThe UN aims to end poverty, but progress is stalled. Old poverty maps lack detail, hindering aid efforts. We use sensor data (Web, satellite images) and ML to create high-resolution poverty maps in Africa. This helps policymakers target aid precisely. We aim for tools to fight poverty globally. Our exhibit will feature interactive tools & worksheets to explore poverty, big data, and ML in a fun, engaging way.Central European University (CEU)17:00 - 22:00