Experiment / Vorführung
How can babies control a computer with their eyes and how to use eye movements to study their cognitive skills?

Diese Veranstaltung wurde abgesagt!
Thema: Gesundheit und Naturwissenschaften
Schlagworte: Biologie und Psychologie
Altersgruppe: Alle

Eye tracking allows to detect a person’s gaze and follow in real time what they are looking at. Eye tracking is a great tool to study what babies and young children understand about the world and how they interact with technology before they can speak, manipulate objects, or walk. Stop by to try out some eye-tracking studies and experience how it feels to control a computer with your eyes.

Durchschnittliche Verweildauer: 10 Minuten

Maximale Kapazität der Station: 1 Personen


Gaze can reveal a lot about how people think and what captures their attention. Eye-tracking technology enables researchers to track precisely what people are looking at in real time and make inferences about complex mental processes that guide their eye movements. In particular, eye tracking is a great tool to study what babies and young children understand about the world and how they interact with technology before they can speak, manipulate objects, or walk. For example, by monitoring babies' eye movements researchers can measure what words they know or what kinds of events capture their attention best. Recently, researchers have also shown that babies can rapidly learn that looking at a button on a computer screen triggers a picture slideshow or a movie. 

Visit our station to try out some eye-tracking studies yourself and experience how it feels to control a computer with your eyes. We prepared a series of interactive and fun activities to show participants how eye tracking works and how we use it to study babies. Visitors of all ages are welcome. 


Anfahrtsbeschreibung: Von der U1 Station Reumannplatz mit den Straßenbahnen 6 und 11 (Schrankenberggasse) direkt erreichbar. 5 Gehminuten von der D-Wagen Station Absberggasse.

Dieser Ausstellungsstandort ist barrierefrei zugänglich und verfügt über barrierefreie Toiletten.

eine barrierefreie Toilette befindet sich im Erdgeschoss

Central European University
Department of Cognitive Science
Cognitive Development Center
Central European University (CEU)
Quellenstrasse, 51, 1100 Wien


Erster Einlass: 17:00
Letzter Einlass: 22:00

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