Wie funktionieren autonome mobile Transportroboter?

Thema: Digitalisierung
Schlagworte: Künstliche Intelligenz, Mechatronik und Robotik
Altersgruppe: Alle
Zielgruppe: Barrierefrei, für Gruppen & Schulklassen und In English

This experiment will showcase the principles and actions of robotics in an environment that simulates real life situations and environment. People will be able to interact with the robots using a human machine interface and allow direct control of them. They will also be able to interact with their environment through the robot and move them around to do certain actions.

Durchschnittliche Verweildauer: 10 Minuten

Der autonome Roboter transportiert Objekte von A nach B

The project Robotic Playground will show how robots work in a playground meant to simulate the behaviour of robots in an industrial setting that is constantly changing. Here robots will work and move around in this environment and move object from point A to point B and also show how they work and understand their surrounding.


Mobile robotics is an ever growing field which focus on bestowing intelligence to moving robots to automate tasks and streamline complex actions. This environment is here to showcase these robots and how they work in terms of detecting obstacles and avoiding them.


Dieser Ausstellungsstandort ist barrierefrei zugänglich.


Erster Einlass: 17:00
Letzter Einlass: 22:30


The setup will involve interaction with robots and allow showcasing the mobility of robots through human interaction. This will take place in an environment designed to replicate an industrial setting where robots will move cargo around. In this setup, the guests will partake in interacting with robots and learn how mobile robotic function in a real life scenario.



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